Release Notes
v5.27.9 on the GitHub
OpenL Studio:
- Ability to configure maximum pool size for the database.
Fixed Bugs
- The "start" script allocates only 2Gb of RAM for Demo suite.
Rule Services:
- Properties in the OpenAPI schema are ordered alphabetically instead of following the original specified order.
- Customization of the OpenAPI schema fails when the application's openapi.json add-on file includes a 'servers' property.
Maven Plugin:
- Verify goal fails during parallel Maven builds with JDK 11 when assertions are enabled.
- OpenL Profiler feature is not work with the Spreadsheet table type.".
Updated Libraries
Runtime Dependencies:
- Sporing Security 5.8.15
- Nimbus JOSE+JWT 9.45
- ASM 9.7.1
- Kafka 3.8.1
- OpenTelemetry 2.9.0
- Hive JDBC 4.0.1
- Jackson Object Mapper 2.18.1
- GRPC 1.68.1
- Swagger Core 2.2.25
- Swagger Parser 2.1.23
- Log4j 2.24.1
- Maven Plugin Annotations 3.15.1
- Plexus Utils 4.0.2
- AWS S3 2.29.6
- Azure BLOB Client 12.28.1
- Netty 4.1.114.Final
- Reactor Netty HTTP 1.1.23
- HikariCP 6.0.0
- Commons IO 2.17.0
- Bouncy Castle 1.79
- Velocity 2.4.1
- Guava 33.3.1-jre
- JCache 2.6.1.Final
- RapiDoc 9.3.8
Test Dependencies:
- JUnit 5.11.3
- JUnit Pioneer 2.3.0
- Mockito 5.14.2
- Testcontainers 1.20.3
- Minio 8.5.13
- Byte buddy 1.15.9
- maven-archetype-plugin 3.3.0
- maven-release-plugin 3.1.1
- maven-deploy-plugin 3.1.3
- maven-clean-plugin 3.4.0
- build-helper-maven-plugin 3.6.0
- maven-surefire-plugin 3.5.0
- maven-jar-plugin 3.4.2
- maven-project-info-reports-plugin 3.7.0
- maven-site-plugin 3.20.0
- dependency-check-maven 10.0.4
- rewrite-maven-plugin 5.41.0
- buildnumber-maven-plugin 3.2.1
- maven-javadoc-plugin 3.10.1
- reactive-streams 1.0.4
Jakarta EE10 support
There is a 5.27.9-jakarta version released also for OpenL RuleServices module only.
- Spring Framework 6.1.15
- Spring Boot 3.3.6
- Spring Security 6.3.5
- CXF 4.0.6
- Jetty 12.0.15
- Hibernate ORM 6.6.3.Final
- Hibernate Validation 8.0.1.Final
- x-forwarded-filter 2.0
- Jakarta Annotation API 3.0.0
- Jakarta Activation 2.1.3
- Jakarta WS RS API 4.0.0
- Jakarta XML WS API 4.0.2
- Jakarta XML Bind API 4.0.2
- Jakarta Servlet API 6.0.0
- JAXB Runtime 4.0.5