Release Notes
v5.14.0 on the GitHub
New Features
RESTful Services in Web Services Application
RESTful services support was significantly reworked to enable all the rules features and much easier configuration. All the different rules types and combinations of input and output types are supported without additional customizations. There is a number of configuration options to tune services to desired format. Please see Web Services Application User Guide for details.
Database for Rules Production Repository
Rules Production Repository can be configured to store content inside database. Variety of databases is supported and depends on corresponding JDBC driver availability. If the DB for the Rules Production Repository does not have required tables, the repository will attempt to create the schema on its own. See WebStudio User Guide for more details.
Copy Module
WebStudio started to provide convenient UI to copy Module. Copy dialog shows details depending on specific module settings and validates if module name matches versioning pattern.
- Added multithreaded calculation for rules variations
- Enhanced indexed conditions in Decision Table: relativity operations index completeness
- Enhanced auto casts: implicit casts to and from String to numbers
- Added new syntax for Ranges like ">=3 <=5"
- Added RESTful services to access Rules Repository
- Added Internet Explorer 11 support
- Added step with configuration of design and production repositories to Installation Wizard
- Added links to datatypes and data tables from other tables
- Added highlighting of active tab
- Added warning message when updating module if file name mismatches file name of module being updated
- Added possibility to remove corresponding file when deleting module in Editor
- Added UI to configure services deployment as RESTFul or SOAP services
- Added service name and service class validation to Rules Deploy Configuration edit popup
- Removed display of package in tooltip for the links in tables
- Added highlighting corresponding Environment table and row in it if dependency is not found
- Added support for different OpenL versions of rules projects for backward compatibility
Web Services:
- Added deployments and versioning support into File System Data Source
- Moved jackrabbit properties into remote-repository-server.war
- Removed dependency to commons-logging. OpenL Tablets uses SL4J
Fixed Bugs
- Missing implicit casts for some Java types to OpenL specific Value types
- Incorrect Trace display for Decision Table with action column
- Dead locking in Web Services application which caused inability to redeploy project or to deploy another project after it occurred
- Don’t allow to execute Test if tested rules has errors
- Null pointer error appears sometimes when using values from data table
- Impossible to update module which has circular dependencies between datatypes in it
- ‘Round’ function doesn't tolerate null
- Null pointer error in case some cells in the datatype table cannot be parsed correctly
Deprecated Features and Changes
- Tag “id” of a rules project descriptor (rules.xml file) is deprecated