Release Notes
v5.19.5.1 on the GitHub
- Added warning message when user initiates editing of not the last revision of the project
- Added Black/White lists to codesteps convertor
OpenL Maven Plugin:
- Added validation on quantity of included libraries
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed issues with incorrect behavior of Project status
- Fixed an incorrect display of tooltips
- Fixed an issue with predefined configuration with two production repositories
- Fixed an issue with incorrect uploading of the file via REST
- Fixed an issue with project exporting
- Fixed an issue with defining of default values in Datatype for various Java types
- Fixed an incorrect behavior of 'Open revision' and 'Close project' functionalities
- Fixed an incorrect behavior of 'Open the table in Excel' button in CentOS
- Fixed an issue with creating a new WebStudio working directory in Install Wizard in CentOS
Updated libraries
- Removed dependency on CGLIB from the OpenL Core
Migration Notes
OpenL Rules
Used more accurate conversion from Double to BigDecimal type. Double (1.1) will be converted to BigDecimal(1.1) instead of BigDecimal(1.100000000000000088817841970012523233890533447265625)