Release Notes
v5.20.2 on the GitHub
- Added warning for @Deprecated methods
Web Services:
- Made cassandra/elasticsearch logging store modules plugable
Fixed Bugs
- Fixed an issue with Copy project dialog
- Fixed an issue with casting from Integer to Double
- Fixed an issue with casting from Integer to Object
- Fixed an issue with overload table binding
- Fixed an incorrect calculation in Spreadsheet table with Auto Type Discovery = true
- Fixed an incorrect converting of national symbols in WebStudio
Updated libraries
- Spring Framework: 4.3.12.RELEASE
- Spring Security: 4.2.3.RELEASE
- Jackson: 2.9.2
- slf4j: 1.7.25
- logback: 1.2.3
- Apache CXF: 3.1.14
- Apache commons lang3: 3.7
- Apache commons beanutils: 1.9.3
- Apache commons codec: 1.11
- Apache commons IO: 2.6
- HikariCP: 2.4.13
- Jetison: 1.3.8
- Cassandra driver: 3.0.7
- H2 DB: 1.4.196
- MS SQL JDBC driver: 6.2.2.jre7