Release Notes
v5.21.7 on the GitHub
New Feature
Constants are implemented
Now User can create names for some values and use it in Rule cells without “=” symbol
- Added possibility to define values of arrays in test/data tables using several rows for a single test case/data object
- Added possibility to fill list/map inside Data and Test tables
- Null-safety for Date operation
- SmartLookups: Inputs are matched to the vertical conditions first, after that to horizontal conditions
- Provide an ability to store array of Lobs to the table properties
- Simplify WS configuration. Remove ruleservice.datasource.type property from configuration
- Support multiline and comments in cassandra create schema scripts
- View tracelog for Runtime exception in Webstudio
- Provide ability to hide Multi/Single module button
- Limit test results in case of big number of test results
Fixed Bugs
- Disabling controls during table editing
- In case Tbasic tables has errors\problems - compilation is stopped, Tbasic is not compiled further
- Impossible to test elements inside List object
- Complex formula can't be open in trace if it was used in previous step
- Cell with tooltip isn't selected in Editor when click on it
- Value, selected from Drop down list is not accepted by validation
- Add validation message for file name processor if not existed property is used
- List of modules is not sorted in Webstudio
- Error is displayed on UI when user run the test that check is returned List data correct
- Incorrect Property name - Cuncurrent execution
- Error on Opening Test Table, if method has List collection
- Error is displayed on clicking (+) button on entering input array
- Error appears on the UI, if user update module via loading Excel file from "Results of running" page
- Memory Leak on test Result page
- "Versioning" and "Compare" features works incorrectly on Linux server
- "CRET" columns are not supported in Lookups (Rules tables)
- "Collect" is not supported in SimpleLookup and SmartLookup tables
- Separated by comma values in conditions does not work for in Integer datatype
- Compilation parses Test tables at least twice
- Datatypes compilation fails if user put space between type and []
- Unused Custom1, Custom2 and Transactional properties are removed.
- OpenL method headers must end by EOF
- Generated methods do not follow JavaBeans v1.01 specification
- Spreadsheet tables doesn't use alias datatypes as field type
- Exception is displayed in Expected Result, if user run test for map element and check the index in result
- OpenL fails to compare array dimensional properties
- Method "plus" is interpreted as keyword "+"
- Incorrect Cast happens if ternary operator is used
- Memory leaks when WeakHashMap or ReferenceMap is used
- A lot of MethodKey is generated in runtime
- Test fails sometimes, when there are 2 methods with the same name
- OpenLConfiguration has memory leak in JUnit tests
- Syntax array[v@ ] change the order or array elements, if comparable elements have equal values
- Memory leaks when ClassLoaderFactory.reset() is missed
- Casting of objects is very slow in multythread execution
- MethodSearch return incorrect method between Generics and Objects
- SmartRules: CharRange is not supported in Smart Rules
- Date can't be parsed if user picked in from calendar control
- Swagger UI does not generate schema correctly when filtering was applied
- WADL is not generated when SpreadsheetResult exists in schema
OpenL Maven Plugin:
- Build fails if an openl project is located at the root of the file system
Updated libraries
- Jackson v2.9.7
- Apache CXF v3.1.17
Migration Notes
Rules Service
The following properties were changed
Before | After |
ruleservice.useRuleServiceRuntimeContext | Removed. |
ruleservice.datasource.type = local | production-repository.factory = org.openl.rules.repository.LocalRepositoryFactory |
ruleservice.datasource.type | Removed. |
OpenL Rules
- Remove any references on useRuleServiceRuntimeContext in rules-deploy.xml files.
- The following properties are removed:Custom1, Custom2 and Transactional.
- Remove coma from lob name for backward compatibility
- Map<String, String> will not be compiled (generic types are not supported by OpenL)
- Generated getters and setters are compatible with JavaBean specs v1.01 now. So for fields like iCoin - getiCoin()/setiCoin() methods will be generated.