Release Notes
v5.23.10 on the GitHub
Fixed Bugs
- A non-informative error is presented to the user when a branch name contains spaces
- The validation set in "Branch name pattern" does not work
- Impossible to create a user with one symbol in the username
- Spreadsheets cell type is not identified properly in some cases
- Conditions are matched incorrectly for Smart Lookup
- "Method is ambiguous" error when two methods can be matched with input parameters, but one of them is more preferable
- A non-informative error message is presented to the user if a SmartRules table has the wrong structure
Rule Services:
- The deployment failure of deploy configuration when the first project contains the parent of datatype in the second project
- Fixed the deployment failure of service in non-lazy mode when Interceptor changes return type
Updated libraries
- Spring Framework v5.2.12.RELEASE
- Spring Security v5.4.2
- Jackson v2.11.4
- Tomcat v9.0.41
- Swagger UI v3.38.0
- JGit v5.10.0.202012080955-r
- XStream v1.4.15