Release Notes
v5.24.6 on the GitHub
Fixed Bugs
- The "Failure in the method: autocast" error is displayed if the method is called for the array.
- The "Flatten(Datatype[][], Datatype[])" function returns "Object[]" instead of "MyDatatype[]".
- The “NullPointerException” error is displayed in the data table.
- The “ClassCastException” error is displayed on running the table if condition expressions access the return value.
- An extra dimension is added to the condition input parameter of the array type.
- Merged cells in a condition are interpreted as “C1” instead of “MC1” in smart rules and smart lookup tables.
- The “NullPointerException” error is displayed if the external condition contains an error.
- The “NullPointerException” error is displayed if the columns cannot be matched properly in a simple lookup table.
- The "StringIndexOutOfBoundsException" error appears in the log file if there is a ternary operation in a spreadsheet table.
- Empty aliases are incorrectly displayed in Rules Editor.
- The "Project source file was modified" pop-up window is displayed on editing and branch merge in Rules Editor.
- A user is redirected to a module page if after editing a table in the Rules Editor, the table overflows another table in the Excel file.
- A module cannot be opened if the last symbol in the Excel file name is a space.
- The “NullPointerException” error appears in the log and no hints are displayed if a step in a spreadsheet table contains a ternary operation and is cast to an array.
- All commit history is split into two lines if a long comment is added to a commit.
- The “NullPointerException” error appears in the log if the condition title is empty.
- The “Test" button in the table menu runs tests only in the currently opened module.
- A horizontal scroller appears when user groups have many privileges defined.
- The “Test" button is not displayed in the table menu if tests are stored in another module.
- The wrong total number of errors is displayed in the table tree if two active versions of the same table exist.
- The error " Unable to delete directory…" is displayed in logs and sometimes on the UI when saving the project that another project depends on.
- The “NullPointerException” error is displayed in the Repository tab if a project folder is deleted outside OpenL Tablets WebStudio, from a branch with several projects.
- The "Cannot delete the branch" error message is displayed upon the attempt to delete a branch where another project is opened.
- A local project appears after the branch is deleted.
Rule Services:
- The request fails with the “NullPointerException” error if a short condition alias is used in the return of the rules table.
- Incorrect step names are displayed in JSON response for spreadsheet steps if jackson.propertyNamingStrategy is specified in rules deploy configuration.
Updated Libraries
- Cassandra driver v4.13.0
- Spring Boot v2.5.4
- Spring Security v5.5.2
- slf4j v1.7.32
- Tomcat v9.0.52
- Swagger UI v3.51.2
- Elasticsearch v6.8.18
- Microsoft JDBC Driver v9.4.0.jre8
- commons-compress v1.21
- Zookeeper v3.7.0
- Apache Ant v1.10.11
- Netty v4.1.67.Final
- XStream v1.4.18