Release Notes
v5.25.8 on the GitHub
Rule Services:
- References to all REST services are added to the Swagger UI page.
- OpenL Rules runtime errors are logged.
- Multipart annotations are now supported in Rule Services.
- Customization of the FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS property is added.
Fixed Bugs
- Remote Git branch is not deleted in a local repository after the branch is merged into the master branch via merge request.
- The rules table name is modified in the "Available Tests/Runs" and "Target table" links.
- A link for a spreadsheet is not displayed if there are two spreadsheet results in the input.
- The StringIndexOutOfBoundsException error is displayed in the log file on opening the table of the "method" type.
- The NullPointerException error appears in the log if one user deploys the project while another user has the "Deployment" tree opened at the same time.
- The NullPointerException error "Something went wrong" is displayed to a user if a user selects "Search" in a spreadsheet, in the cell menu.
- fancytree.js is loaded from the in trace pop-up windows.
- The latest merge commit is not displayed to a user if merged branch does not contain actual changes.
- The return column is matched by name incorrectly in a smart rules table.
Updated Libraries
- XStream 1.4.19
- Spring 5.3.16
- Spring Boot 2.6.3
- Snakeyaml 1.30
- Slf4j 1.7.36
- Netty 4.1.74.Final
- Swagger 1.6.5
- Jetty 9.4.45.v20220203
- Tomcat 9.0.58
- Mockito 4.3.1
- Swagger UI 4.5.0
- Jcodemodel 3.4.1
- maven-archetype-plugin 3.2.1
- maven-resources-plugin 3.2.0
- build-helper-maven-plugin 3.3.0
- maven-scm-plugin 1.12.2
- maven-compiler-plugin 3.9.0
- maven-jar-plugin 3.2.2
- duplicate-finder-maven-plugin 1.5.1
- maven-invoker-plugin 3.2.2
- maven-project-info-reports-plugin 3.2.1
- maven-site-plugin 3.10.0
- buildnumber-maven-plugin 3.0.0
- jacoco-maven-plugin 0.8.7
- maven-javadoc-plugin 3.3.2