Release Notes
v5.26.14 on the GitHub
Rule Services:
- Implemented Docker Support for MinIO as an S3-Compatible Storage Repository.
- Added support for the 'yyyy-MM-dd' format in the toDate() function, adhering to the ISO 8601 standard.
Fixed Bugs
- Favicon is not displayed in browser on Repository Tab.
Rule Services:
- Rule Services frontend fails when any input parameter is null.
- Rule Service fails to start in the absence of defined publishers.
Fixes Vulnerabilities:
- CVE-2024-26308 - commons-compress
- CVE-2024-25710 - commons-compress
- CVE-2024-22243 - Spring Web
- CVE-2024-22201 - Jetty
- CVE-2023-51775 - Josy4j
Updated Libraries
- Spring Framework 5.3.32
- Spring Security 5.8.10
- Jose4j 0.9.5
- Kafka 3.7.0
- Netty 4.1.107.Final
- Reactor Netty HTTP 1.1.16
- Kotlin StdLib 1.9.22
- Jackson 2.16.1
- Swagger Core 2.2.20
- Swagger Parser 2.1.20
- Swagger UI 5.11.8
- Log4j 2.23.0
- Slf4j 2.0.12
- Maven API 3.9.6
- Maven Plugin Plugin 3.11.0
- Jetty 10.0.20
- Okio 3.8.0
- AWS S3 2.25.1
- Azure BLOB Storage 12.25.2
- MSSQL JDBC 12.6.1.jre11
- Mockito 5.11.0
- Testcontainer 1.19.7
- Minio 8.5.9
- Commons Codec 1.16.1
- Commons Compres 1.26.0
- Groovy 4.0.19
- AspectJ
- Guava 33.0.0-jre
- Joda Time 2.12.7