Release Notes
v5.26.15 on the GitHub
Rule Services:
- JsonUtils is set to use the 'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS' date format by default.
- An ability to invoke the OpenLService by providing arguments in a JSON string format similar to those used in REST services is introduced.
Fixes Vulnerabilities:
- CVE-2023-52428 - Nimbus Jose JWT
- CVE-2024-28752 - CXF
- CVE-2024-22257 - Spring Security
- CVE-2024-22259 - Spring Web
Updated Libraries
- Spring Framework 5.3.33
- Spring Security 5.8.11
- Jose4j 0.9.6
- Nimbus Jose JWT 9.37.3
- Json Smart 2.5.1
- ASM 9.7
- Zookeeper 3.9.2
- Thrift 0.20.0
- Netty 4.1.108.Final
- Reactor Netty HTTP 1.1.17
- Kotlin StdLib 1.9.23
- Jackson 2.17.0
- CXF 3.6.3
- Swagger Core 2.2.21
- Swagger Parser 2.1.21
- Swagger UI 5.12.0
- Log4j 2.23.1
- Okio 3.9.0
- AWS S3 2.25.16
- Azure BLOB Storage 12.25.3
- Awaitility 4.2.1
- Commons Compres 1.26.1
- Groovy 4.0.20
- AspectJ 1.9.22
- Guava 33.1.0-jre