Release Notes
v5.26.2 on the GitHub
New Features
The ability to propagate an HTTP header into the OpenL Tablets rules execution is now available.
The functionality that propagates an HTTP header into the OpenL Tablets rules execution is now available.
SpreadsheetResult beans are now supported as input parameters in OpenL Tablets Rule Services.
- Spaces and special symbols +, %, (), & are now supported for the localization function msg() and localization property files .
- The "$ref" properties are replaced with "_ref_" properties for environment variables.
The property file can contain properties with a space and +, %, (), & special symbols. Example: "Rounding Amount + 1 = $1": in this case, the function msg("Rounding Amount + 1") must return "$1".
Rule Services:
- Environment in Dockerfile can now be customized before starting Jetty.
- An exception message is more informative now in case of Rule Services failure.
- A list of the available services is ordered alphabetically.
- An ability to attach external tools is introduced.
Fixed Bugs
- An error identifying that the spreadsheet step cannot be found is displayed when a decision table has a custom spreadsheet result input parameter.
- Boolean, date and integer literals are not working in a spreadsheet.
- The "Cannot parse field name." error is displayed for the expression in the rules table condition.
- Numerous errors are displayed if the vocabulary has the array datatype.
- The "[Ljava.lang.String;@c33e738" and "[Ljava.lang.String;@6c55f2f9" errors are displayed in the drop-down lists of tables.
- The empty array elements are trimmed.
- Only the first rule works properly if BEX grammar is used in the DT condition.
- A project cannot be deployed to a GIT repository.
- The "Sorry! Something went wrong." error is displayed on opening a module that contains a medium size rule with errors.
- The "Cannot load the module: NullPointerException:" error is displayed in the error section for the transform operation.
- The "org.openl.rules.helpers.RulesUtils.copy(java.lang.Object)" method fails on running the tests from another module.
- “X” has inconsistent behavior in the aActions column in the Repository tab if a non-main branch is selected.
- The "NullPointerException" is displayed in logs on project closure for a previously deleted project when using two browsers.
- Methods are highlighted incorrectly if there is a break line in the expression.
- There is a typo in the OpenAPI file configuration.
- The "Project not found" 404 error is displayed if a user opens or closes a project in the Repository tab.
- The method name is incorrectly highlighted if the method is called in braces.
- User profile settings are locked for editing in OpenL Tablets WebStudio in a single-user mode.
- The "Sorry! Something went wrong." error is displayed on running a test table that has a reference to the erroneous table.
- The NullPointerException is displayed in trace for column match tables.
- An incorrect text is underlined in the expanded error message.
- The horizontal scroll overlaps the open icon for a node in a trace table.
- Projects cannot be deployed or re-deployed after a specific project is deployed.
Rule Services:
- OpenL Tablets Rule Services throws "ClassCastException" on calling a method generated for data table of the SpreadsheetResult or CustomSpreadsheetResult type.
- The "java.util.HashMap" class is displayed for cells of AnySpreadsheetResult in OpenL Tablets Rule Services.
- The propertyNamingStrategy is not applied to the AnySpreadsheetResult fields.
- A path to the non-existing properties file is logged.
- If entered settings cannot be applied, default settings are restored.
Maven Plugin:
- The verify Maven goal does not perform a check on whether the target project can be successfully deployed.
Updated Libraries
Vulnerability CVE-2022-25857, CVE-2022-38749, CVE-2022-38752.
- Spring Framework 5.3.23
- Spring Security 5.7.3
- Spring Boot 2.7.3
- Jackson 2.13.4
- Kafka 3.2.3
- Netty 4.1.82.Final
- Jetty 10.0.12
- Swagger UI 4.14.0
- Apache Avro 1.11.1
- AWS S3 SDK S3 1.12.305
- Azure Blob Storage 12.19.1
- JGit
- MSSQL JDBC Driver 11.2.1.jre11
- Hibernate ORM 5.6.11.Final
- Hibernate Validator 6.2.5.Final
- GreenMail Core 1.6.10
- Gson 2.9.1
- Apache Groovy 3.0.13
- Bouncycastle 1.71.1
- Joda Time 2.11.1
- XMLSec 2.3.2
- SnakeYAML 1.32
- Cloning 1.10.3