Release Notes
v5.26.5 on the GitHub
Maven Plugin:
- OpenAPI validation in the OpenL Maven plugin is supported.
Fixed Bugs
- Range Editor is not opened for a spreadsheet table if the spreadsheet table result type is IntRange of DoubleRange.
- In Trace, the value is displayed in different formats in the tree and returned results tabs.
- The "NullPointerException" error is displayed in the results of null-safety tests for the Intersection method.
- Wrong data is displayed in a tooltip for constructors.
- Incorrect range format is displayed in the returned object.
- A negative value cannot be entered in Range Editor.
- The runtime permission error occurs when calling the copy() method in the OpenL Tablets Rule Services.
Rule Services, WebStudio:
- The message from the dependency project properties file is not overridden by the message from the main project properties file.
- Unicode characters are not supported properly in OpenL.
Maven Plugin:
- The 'verify' goal fails due to duplicating dependencies in the Maven plugin classloader.
Updated Libraries
- Spring 5.3.25
- Spring Boot 2.7.8
- Ant 1.10.13
- Netty 4.1.87.Final
- Reactor Netty HTTP 1.1.2
- Jackson 2.14.2
- AWS S3 SDK S3 1.12.395
- Azure Blob Storage 12.20.2
- MSSQL JDBC driver 11.2.3.jre11
- AspectJ 1.9.19