Release Notes
v5.26.6 on the GitHub
Rule Services:
- "DEDUCTION" mode is supported for serialization/deserialization of JSON response/request.
- Support AWS Security Token Service
Fixed Bugs
- No error is displayed during the project compilation if the constructor accepts an invalid expression as input data.
- The duplicated error message is displayed if there is a reference to an unexisting condition field
Rule Services:
- An incorrect field name is displayed in the swagger schema for Spreadsheet if there is a datatype with the same name.
- RuleServices cannot be initialized in SpringBoot due to circular dependency.
- The project is erased in Projects to Deploy tab after clicking the Save button in deploy configuration (displaying when Deploy Config type = JDBC, JNDI, AWS).
- The dependency projects from another repository are not suggested for opening.
- The changes that are not stored in the repo are lost after the demo restart.
Maven Plugin:
- The 'verify' goal fails due to two-way dependencies between the Maven plugin classloaders
- The docker containers failed to start on Docker Desktop 4.17 and Amazon EKS
Updated Libraries
Vulnerabilities fixed: CVE-2016-1000027,CVE-2021-4235, CVE-2022-1471, CVE-2022-3064
- Spring Security 5.8.2
- Nimbus JOSE+JWT 9.31
- Spring Boot 2.7.9
- ASM 9.4
- Apache Kafka 3.4.0
- Zookeeper 3.8.1
- Netty 4.1.89.Final
- Reactor Netty HTTP 1.1.3
- Log4j 2.20.0
- Jetty 10.0.14
- AWS SDK S3 1.12.416
- AWS SDK STS 1.12.416
- Azure Blob Storage 12.21.0
- MSSQL JDBC driver 12.2.0.jre11
- Hibernate ORM 5.6.15.Final
- Groovy 3.0.15