Release Notes
v5.27.4 on the GitHub
Rule Services:
- Implemented Docker Support for MinIO as an S3-Compatible Storage Repository
Key enhancements:
-Migrated S3 repository to AWS SDK v2
-Supported force deploy of jars from the Rule Services by ruleservice.datasource.deploy.classpath.jars=always
-Supported non-versioned S3 repository
-Supported http://minio:9000/ URLs
-Improved overall performance of deployment repositories
- OpenL projects without Excel files inside.
Fixed Bugs
- Favicon is not displayed in browser on Repository Tab.
- REST branch creation fails for project when using OAuth2 authentication.
- Expression reference fails with large number of conditions (exceeding 15).
Updated Libraries
- Spring Security 5.8.9
- Jose4j 0.9.4
- Kafka 3.6.1
- OpenTelemetry 2.0.0
- Netty 4.1.106.Final
- Reactor Netty HTTP 1.1.15
- Jackson 2.16.1
- Swagger Core 2.2.20
- Swagger Parser 2.1.20
- Log4J 2.22.1
- Slf4J 2.0.11
- Maven API 3.9.6
- Maven Plugin 3.11.0
- Jetty 10.0.19
- AWS SDK 2.23.7
- Azure BLOB SDK 12.25.1
- Mockito 5.9.0
- Datasource proxy 1.10
- Groovy 4.0.18
- AspectJ 1.9.21
- Guaava 33.0.0-jre
- Joda Time 2.12.6
Known issues
Users may experience intermittent hang-ups in the Webstudio interface when performing create, edit, or delete operations on the Editor or Repository tabs. Workaround: To resolve this issue, users can clear their browser cookies for the Webstudio and restart the browser.
Migration Notes
Due to the default OTLP protocol change to http/protobuf in line with the specification, users must now connect via the http://jaeger:4318
for using the 4317 port. For more details, refer to the release notes and the OTLP protocol specification.