Release Notes
v5.27.8 on the GitHub
Rule Services:
- Refactored the Kafka configuration to avoid illegal reflection operations.
OpenL Studio:
- Removed the usage of the cloning library in OpenL Studio.
- Removed vulnerable versions of jQuery from OpenL Studio.
- Rewritten classloader to support dynamic bytecode loading.
- Reimplemented the copy() function without using illegal reflection operations.
OpenL Studio, Rule Services:
- Removed reflection hacks in the dynamic OpenAPI schema generator.
OpenL Studio, Rule Services, Core:
- Rewritten code to eliminate the use of setAccessible(true).
Fixed Bugs
OpenL Studio:
- Not all data was saved via the REST API if the saved table was smaller than the original and contained merged cells.
- The /rest/projects/projectId/tables endpoint returning Error 500 after multiple operations like project creation, editing, closing, or opening.
- The "Trace" and "Run" functionalities failed if the input object had more than 1000 fields.
- Incorrect error messages for bad connections to the OAuth2 Identity Provider (IdP) in OpenL Studio.
OpenL Studio, Rule Services:
- The date was read incorrectly from JSON input when processed via a Groovy class in OpenL Studio and Rule Services.
- Excessive memory consumption.
Rule Services:
- An issue where the OpenL Deployer could not find the version in rules-deploy.xml.
- Incorrect alignment of the "Services & Links" and "Start Time" columns in the interface.
Updated Libraries
Runtime Dependencies:
- Spring Framework 5.3.39
- Spring Security 5.8.14
- Nimbus JOSE+JWT 9.41.1
- Kafka 3.8.0
- Snappy Java
- OpenTelemetry 2.8.0
- Jackson Object Mapper 2.17.2
- GRPC 1.66.0
- Swagger core 2.2.23
- Log4j 2.24.0
- SLF4j 2.0.16
- Maven Plugin API 3.9.9
- Maven Plugin Plugin 3.15.0
- Jetty 10.0.24
- AWS S3 2.28.2
- Azure BLOB Client 12.27.1
- Netty 4.1.113.Final
- Reactor Netty 1.1.22
- H2 2.3.232
- MS SQL JDBC 12.8.1.jre11
- Apache Commons Codec 1.17.1
- Apache Commons Compress 1.27.1
- Apache Commons Lang 3.17.0
- Apache CXF 3.6.4
- Groovy 4.0.23
- POI 5.3.0
- Guava 33.3.0-jre
Test Dependencies:
- JUnit 5.11.0
- Awaitility 4.2.2
- Mockito 5.13.0
- Testcontainers 1.20.1
- Testcontainers Keycloak 2.6.0
- Minio 8.5.12
- KeyCloak 25.0
- Cassandra 5.0
- Byte buddy 1.15.1
- maven-invoker-plugin 3.8.0
- maven-project-info-reports-plugin 3.6.2
- rewrite-maven-plugin 5.36.0
- Joda Time 2.12.7
- Picolcli 4.7.6
- Progressbar 0.10.1
- maven-shade-plugin 3.5.2
Known issues
- When executing test tables in OpenL Studio, a ClassCastException is encountered. Additionally, within RuleServices, a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException is thrown during method calls when the SpreadsheetResult cell type combines elements from a SpreadsheetResult array with a single SpreadsheetResult value.