Release Notes
v5.9.3 on the GitHub
New Features
Referents to conditions from return cells
Implemented possibility to call condition value from the cell in the Return column by using $C<n><variable name>
- Source code repository migrated from Subversion to Mercurial
- Update math helper functions to perform arithmetic operations under NULL values for *Value data types: In case math function receive null as input parameter it will be handled as 0 for sum operations and as 1 for multiply operations
- Introduced Rules Interfaces instead of Static Wrappers: Wrappers are recognized as a deprecated feature now, Interface generation is used for all rules projects
- Added methods for working with arrays in the rules: add, addAll, remove and removeElement
- Arrays and ranges in SimpleRules and SimpleLookup tables
- Support Java x64
- Wizard for Data tables added: Data table now can be created via WebStudio UI
- Search functionality redesigned and simplified
- Added information about Custom Spreadsheet Type and Dispatching mode on UI at the System Properties section
- Enhanced Trace for Decision tables: User can view detailed trace with executed and not executed rows highlighted
- Recently visited tables functionality restored and redesigned
- Table properties separated off the categories
- Implemented new error output engine
- Resolved a number of encoding issues
- Improved stability of work
- A number of UI improvements
Web Services:
- Logger for all requests to web service and their responses has been added
Upgraded libs:
- Apache POI to v3.8
Fixed Bugs
- Core: ‘big’ function isn't work for initialized array
- Core: Default value isn't apply for complex datatype
- Core: User cannot call datatype arrays of wrapper datatypes (Integer, Double and so on) and <Num>Values (IntValue and so on)
- Core: Method ‘contains(null, <String>)’ returns NP error
- Core: Problems with casts from int to double
- Core: Core: "new A[rows][columns]" in rules is interpreted as "new A[columns][rows]"
- WebStudio: Fix browser tab support (user can open tables in a different browser tab)
- WebStudio: Message "Project source file was modified" appears after user open Excel file
- WebStudio: Non-admin user has access to Administration page
- WebStudio: Upload from Workspace: recently added projects isn't display until WebStudio restarting
- WebStudio: [Rules Dependencies] Cannot open tables under IE 9.0 Windows7 because of script error
- WebStudio: Cannot 'open in Excel' in case one of Excel sheet contains %
- WebStudio: [Wizards] No validation for existed technical name
- WebStudio: After editing test table with foreign key error displays until refreshing
- WebStudio: Excel 2007-2010. When apply cell style colors for table in 2007 2010 Excel table displays without any content
- WebStudio: [Wizards] Java beans isn't display in the data type DDL
- WebStudio: Fixed startup time of WebStudio
- WebStudio: [IE 9.0] Comparison isn't work because of script error
- WebStudio: Exception after running test with Infinity as returned result
- WebStudio: Exception after running tests which returns NaN or Infinity
- WebStudio: Search. Cannot find symbol '@', '%', '$', '^', '#','&'
- WebStudio: In case of big quantity of input parameters user cannot scroll input parameters popup
- Web Services: Error displays after providing wsdl address into SoapUI
- Web Services: ClassCast exception in webservice with interface that has method with convertor for result
- WebStudio: Locate the TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml file and add the URIEncoding="UTF-8" attribute for all <Connector> elements. For example:
<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="UTF-8"/>
- WebStudio: In (setenv.bat) files update -XX:MaxPermSize attribute to XX:MaxPermSize=384m