
OpenL Tablets 5.9.1 is available.

It is a stabilization release, with minor bug fixing and few improvements.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


OpenL Tablets 5.9 is available.

This release contains major changes in WebStudio UI. Added possibility for testing Spreadsheet tables. Fixed major bugs. Updated Documentation.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


OpenL Tablets 5.8.1 is available.

It is a stabilization release, with major bug fixing. Also some new feaures were introduced.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


OpenL Tablets 5.8 is available.

Version 5.8.0 is a major release, containing many significant new features and improvements, such as

  • Rewritten Web Services Application
  • Simplified OpenL tools configuration
  • Expression indexing in arrays
  • New utility methods etc.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


Mapper Framework - Apr 21, 2011

New robust mapping framework matured to its first release 1.0.0.

OpenL Tablets 5.7.5 is available.

OpenL Tablets 5.7.5 version is publicly available.

It is mostly maintainance release which brings Engine improvements such as negatives in ranges, full operations supports, etc.

New accessor methods and rules applicable to arrays will make rules creation easier. New revert feature in Webstudio will make editing of rules even more manageable.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


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