
OpenL Tablets 5.7.4 is available.

OpenL team is happy to announce new 5.7.4 version.

It includes new powerful dependecy management between rule modules as well as a bunch of other new features and improvements.

Our special thanks to Aleh Bykhavets for his contribution on Excel structured difference tool.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


OpenL Tablets 5.7.3 is available.

OpenL Tablets 5.7.3 contains a number of new features and improvements:

  • new tables: SimpleRules and SimpleLookup,
  • Execution mode in Engine,
  • decreased memory consumption,
  • internal API changes, etc.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


OpenL Tablets 5.7.2 is available.

OpenL Tablets 5.7.2 contains a number of new features and improvements, such as

  • Alias Datatypes,
  • Inheritance in Datatype,
  • Double values comparison operations with precision,
  • Trace output into file,
  • Upload project from zip with root folder, etc.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


OpenL Tablets is available.

Version is a maintenance release and adds a few minor features and fixes major bugs.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


OpenL Tablets 5.7.1 is available.

OpenL Tablets 5.7.1 contains a number of new features and improvements, such as

  • OpenL Rules project descriptor,
  • OpenL project from single Excel file,
  • Maven based OpenL project,
  • Runtime context for web services etc.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


OpenL Tablets 5.7 is available.

OpenL Tablets 5.7.0 is repackaged to be easier to work with. The new version adds configurable services out of the box, datatypes usable in Java and number of major improvements including significantly increased rules compilation performance.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


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