
OpenL Tablets 5.5 is available.

Version 5.5.0 adds gap/overlap validation for dimensional properties and contains changed compilation errors and warnings.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


OpenL Tablets 5.4.1 is available.

Version 5.4.1 adds minor features for table properties and enhances usage experience in IE.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


OpenL Tablets 5.1.1 is available.

Version 5.1.1 contains a number of new features and improvements, see the change log for details.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


OpenL Tablets 5.0.6 is available.

Version 5.0.6 is a technical release, see Release notes for details.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


OpenL Tablets 5.0.5 is available.

Version 5.0.5 is a major release, containing many significant new features and improvements. The most important are introduction of the Production and Development Time repositories, browser-based Table Editor, Vocabulary and Business-Expression language(BEX).

On Java API side it is now possible to wrap Excel OpenL Module using Java-proxy classes implementing pre-defined interfaces. WebStudio and Repository are now integral parts of the OpenL Plugin.

For more details refer to Release notes and other documentation.

More detailed information you can find at Release Notes.

All artifacts are ready for Downloads.


We would like to introduce new members of our team who worked hard on new OpenL Tablets release and express our gratitude for their efforts, expertise and devotion.

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